Beach Wedding Tables

beach wedding tables

{Photos: Top: Martha Stewart Weddings, Bottom Left: Pinterest, Right: Gina Meola Photography via SMP}

Today I was caught daydreaming about sun, surf, and sand.  So my wandering mind took me over to Pinterest where I found a few of my new favorite beach wedding tables.  Whether you opt for a muted color palette to blend with the natural surroundings or a more vibrant wave of pinks and other cheerful palettes, keep your florals low so the fabulous view can be enjoyed by all.  These tables are all long feasting tables (another fave of mine) and look great to break up the long stretches of sand.  Feasting tables can also be perfecting fitting for an intimate destination wedding – one where all your guests can fit at a simple table or two you’re able to keep all your loved ones connected.  Happy Wednesday travelers!


beach wedding table

{Photos: Top + Bottom Left: Once Wed, Right: Rue Magazine}

